Nothing is more anti-Semitic than Zionism
1. Palestinians are a Semitic people. If you are anti-Palestinian, you are anti-Semitic.
2. Nothing is more anti-Jewish than Zionism. Zionism
- is a proudly racist colonialist ideology, seeing "Israel" as a European bulwark against the barbarians of Asia.
- agreed with Nazism that Jews living in Europe is a "problem" that needed a "solution".
- were the only group that broke the global Jewish boycott of the Nazis, collaborating with them with the Haavara Agreement.
- is an ideology that worships strength and has contempt for power. Holocaust victims and survivors are one of the most despised groups in "Israel". Zionists accuse them of "going to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter." (This is the same reason they hate and persecute Palestinians, not because they fear them or feel threatened by them, but because they regard them as weak.) Zionism is the ideology of the muscular, militarist, masculine “new Jew”; Holocaust victims remind them of the “weakness” of the old Jew. Their worship of power and strength (the Übermensch), and contempt for weakness and vulnerability (the Untermenschen), makes Zionism a fascist ideology.
- collaborated with fascists all around the world, particularly Latin America and Africa, arming and training fascists to commit genocides against indigenous people there.
- collaborate with Hindu fascists RSS/BJP who are directly inspired by Hitler and Mussolini, speaking of wanting to do to Indian Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews.
- collaborate with neo-Nazis in Ukraine like Azov batallion, give them arms and send mercenaries to fight with them.
- collaborate with neo-Nazis and far-right white supremacists all around Europe because of their shared hatred for Muslims.
- tell anti-Zionist Jews they should burn in ovens, hope they get gassed, raped and mutilated, etc, while calling the victims of their vile harrasment "anti-Semites" for not supporting Zionism/Israel. They also chant and paint graffiti threatening to "gas the Arabs". They persecute African refugees, calling them “infiltrators” and “cancer”. They sterilised Ethiopian Jewish women without their consent. They stole babies from Yemenite Jews (child removals are defined as an act of genocide in the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide). They are brainwashed from kindergarten to have a genocidal mentality towards non-white people and the vast majority support genocidal massacres of Palestinian people.
- paint Nazi imagery and symbols on synagogues and dormitories and make up hate crimes, to make Jewish people feel unsafe outside "Israel".
- the most powerful groups of Zionists are Christian Zionists, particularly Evangelicals in the US who support Israel because of their literalist interpretation of the Book of Revelation which says that the Apocalypse will come when Jews go back to the Holy Land. Then, they believe, all Jews who don't convert to Christianity will burn in the lake of fire and be judged as sinners by God.
- "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist," says Biden. Architect of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann said "I am a Zionist" at his trial in Jerusalem, as reported by Hannah Arendt. Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer calls himself "a white Zionist" seeking a homeland for whites just like Israel is a homeland for Jews.
- By calling themselves "the Jewish state", linking Zionism with Judaism/Jewishness (saying in effect that they are the same thing), and accusing critics of their crimes of "anti-Semitism", they are defaming Jews, actually fostering anti-Semitism, and blaming all Jews for Zionist crimes. Just like the Nazis appropriated the Hindu/Buddhist swastika and turned into a symbol of evil, the Zionists have done the same for the Star of David.
- was always, historically, a fringe ideology that was opposed by the majority of Jews, both religious Jews who believed strongly that establishing a Jewish state by human means is explicitly forbidden in the Torah, and secular Jews like the socialist Bund, who believed in staying in the diaspora and uniting with non-Jewish workers to overthrow the capitalists, and who expressed solidarity with Arab workers in their homelands.
- There are huge anti-Zionist communities of religious Jews who protest "Israel" and stand in solidarity with Palestinians, including those living in occupied Palestine. Their protests are never covered by the media, and the Israeli security forces commit brutal violence against them on a regular basis. According to Rabbi Dovid Weiss, all Jews who practise the religion are anti-Zionist, all around the world, because the Torah explicitly forbids the creation of a Jewish state by human means. These people too are called "anti-Semitic" and "self-hating Jews" by Zionists.
- The founding fathers of Zionism were atheists who, just like Nazis, saw "Jewishness" or "Semitism" as an ethno-racial category and not a religion. At one point, they advocated for all Jews to convert to Christianity to escape persecution. As Ilan Pappe says, "They don't believe in God, but they believe he promised them Palestine."
- In Herzl's "The Jewish State", he blames Jews for creating anti-Semitism wherever they go, rather than blaming the European anti-Semites. Anti-Semitism is a European and Western phenomenon. It is absurd to say that Semitic Palestinians or Arabs, or any group except the people who created anti-Semitism - that is Europeans and their descendants - are "anti-Semites".
- the Western countries that support Israel are the same that rehabilitated high-ranking Nazis through such initiatives as Operations Gladio and Paperclip, the same ones who collaborate with the far-right neo-Nazis in their countries, the same ones that tried to exterminate Jewish people in the first place. Ursula von der Leyen, for example, has a long Nazi pedigree.
- Zionists admit they don’t really care about anti-Semitism and are only using it as a “trick” to silence criticism of their crimes.
Zionism is a white supremacist, racist, fascist, settler-colonialist, anti-Semitic European movement. Nothing is more self-hating than Zionism. If you are pro-Jewish, you must be anti-Zionist.